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SGB Injection Improves PTSD Survivors' Mental Health

The Stellate Ganglion Block (SGB) treatment has helped many PTSD survivors, especially those having a severe mental illness. To summarize, this unique SGB PTSD treatment reduces symptoms such as pain and swelling through an injection. The SGB injection involves injecting medication into the nerves of the stellate ganglion. The stellate ganglion is a part of the sympathetic nervous system, located in the neck on either side of the voice box. The injection relieves pain in the head, neck, upper arm, and upper chest, as well as increasing blood supply and circulation. For people who have PTSD symptoms like insomnia and anxiety, the SGB treatment offers a second chance for them to have a happy life. Overall, having great mental health is important to a blissful life that all people suffering from PTSD should deserve.

The SGB injection improves mental health

The SGB PTSD procedure can help more than 8 million Americans who are suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Although the mental disorder is usually thought of as something that people suffer from because of military combat, there are other causes as well. Many victims of PTSD experienced traumas such as sexual assault, vehicle accidents, and natural disasters. For some victims, their experiences might have been from childhood and adolescence. Afterwards, the victims might experience specific mental health conditions ranging from anger to depression. However, the SGB procedure has now proved itself to be a reliable treatment for PTSD.

RTI International's clinical trial

In fact, RTI International, a nonprofit research institute, conducted an eight-week clinical trial funded by the U.S. Army. The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of Stellate Ganglion Block in 108 active-duty service members. The SGB treatment has been used for decades but now, the effects of SGB have now been proved to treat symptoms of PTSD.

The participants got two injections by two weeks apart in this randomized, sham-controlled trial. Two-thirds received two SGB shots and one-third received two sham injections. Compared to the baseline, at eight weeks after treatment, symptom relief was significantly better for those patients administered SGB. Symptoms improved on average 12.6 points for SGB, compared to 6.1 for sham. Researchers generally consider a 10-point improvement as clinically significant.

Final words

People should not see the SGB injection as an instant mental health cure. The effects of the SGB PTSD injection can list for about six months. After that, it is recommended that people should receive another injection if the symptoms were to return. However, people can get at least one warning sign about their health after receiving the SGB treatment. Some warning signs (side effects) include droopy eyelids, hoarse voices, and nasal stuffiness.

Then again, the SGB treatment will work wonders for many people who have PTSD for many years, or even decades. Although it is still not a cure, this innovative injection will ease the symptoms, allowing people to live and breathe easily. In other words, the treatment is like a great step for people suffering from PTSD to receive a better life again.